I am at least 14 years of age and agree to abide by the rules as set by the BRC committee.
I understand I may not bring my horse to any club meetings until my membership is approved.
All junior members (14-18yo) must be accompanied to lessons and events by an adult.
As a member I am committed to help with at least TWO events per year.

There are many benefits to joining a riding club from access to training and competitions, to insurance and being part of the local equestrian community. See more here.
User Guides
How to update your personal details. Link here.
Registering as a new member. Link here.
Registering an existing BRC member. Link here.
Adding another member to your account. Link here.
If you have any queries please contact brimhammembership@gmail.com or email brcmembership@bhs.org.uk